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Video Inspection & Pipe Cleaning - Orlando, FL

Cloud 9 Services, LLC was called upon to do a routine pipe cleaning and inspection in the Baldwin Park area in order to flush out the pipeline, as well as locate any damages that could be in the pipe. Utilizing our v-55 jet vac our technicians were able to first power vacuum out any of the pipe's contents at first, clean it with the jetter spray nozzle, and then suck out the remnants. Because of the amount of accumulated dirt and debris, it took a couple rounds of cleaning in order to fully clear out the line, this process was made easier by there being a water source near by. Utilizing a nearby water source enables our crew to fill and refill the tank quickly and easily, making super dirty pipes a breeze to clean by eliminating extra travel time.

Once the pipe was cleared, our v-47 camera van was able to lower the camera system into the pipe and was guided along the pipe controlled by a remote. The camera is able to zoom in and capture more detail of the damaged area, as well as rotate 360 degrees to view the whole scope of the pipe. Our technicians provide a breakdown of everything discovered during the inspection process and the clients keep a copy of the video inspection as well, so they can visually see and confirm what the technician is telling them. This process also helps ensure that the pipe was cleaned sufficiently to help prevent future clogging.

At Cloud 9 Services, LLC we are here for all your video inspection and jet vac cleaning needs for all kinds of different pipelines. We're available 24/7 nights and weekends whenever and wherever we are needed. If you need these services or any other service we offer please contact us, 407-481-2750, and one of our technicians would be happy to assist you.

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