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Catch Basin Repair - Orlando, FL

Cloud 9 Services, LLC was called upon to do a cleaning and video inspection of a catch basin in Orlando, FL. The catch basin in question was retaining water so we not only had to clean it, but figure out why it was retaining water in the first place. First the catch basin was drained utilizing our JetVac trucks. Then during our initial video inspection of the storm line there was no damage present in the line, so our technician shifted directions to the pump. Through a brief troubleshooting process our technician was able to determine that the pump was the problem and set out to repair it. Upon further inspection is was determined that the pump was too damaged to be repaired, so the whole unit needed to be replaced. The original pump was taken out and replaced with a new one and now the catch basin works as needed.

Maintaining your catch basin is important, especially with the rainy season coming up. Cleaning should be done at least once a year. Do you see that your catch basin is retaining water, acting different than usual, or you haven't serviced your catch basin in a while? Call us, 407-481-2750, and one of our catch basin repair technicians would be happy to assist you!

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