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Wet wells are vital for Lift Station Pumps to Work Efficiently.

Sewage pump/lift stations are used for pumping sewage or wastewater from a low elevation to a higher one, especially when the use of gravity conveyance results in excessive excavation and/or if the source’s elevation isn’t sufficient for gravity flow.

Often called lift station pumps, the units are typically built as factory-assembled systems. The key components include a control panel with an alarm, a junction box, and a wet well (wastewater treatment receiving well) equipped with pumps, valves and piping. The submersible type of lift station pumps can be used on low-head, low-flow installations. For these applications, there are two types of pumps available – solid handling pumps and grinder pumps.

For trouble-free and efficient operation of a lift station pump, a properly designed wet well is vital. The wet well allows the lift station to be operated automatically with a simple control. Using a wet well for any other reason than this, such as a sewage storage reservoir, is not recommended.

Remember also that in order to minimize the detention time of sewage, the wet well should be as small as possible. Septic action can occur if wastewater remains in the wet well for too long. Nevertheless, the wet well must be big enough to prevent excessive starting and stopping of the pump.

The main advantages of submersible lift station pumps are that they operate without frequent maintenance, and they generally cost less than dry well stations. Moreover, submersible lift station pumps usually don’t require large above ground structures, and they tend to blend in with the surrounding environment.

For lift station pumps in Orlando FL, contact us at Cloud 9 Services, LLC. We are fully licensed and Florida State certified and focused on delivering top-notch services to all our customers. Call us, 407-481-2750, we are available 24/7 nights and weekends for all your lift station needs.

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